Humorous & Fun Fitness Book(s) Help Target Problem Areas in Both Sexes Like

A new book for women, "Tight, Tone, and Trim" and one for men, "Cut, Cool, and Confident" make getting in shape and healthy eating easy, simple, and fun. The books include numerous illustrations, demonstrations and humorous anecdotes.

Personal Fitness Trainer and Healthy Community Organizer Jack Witt understands that exercising regularly and eating healthy doesn't have to be rocket science, complicated, or mundane. In fact, he believes it needs to be just the opposite for people to stay motivated and enjoy living a healthy lifestyle.

For over 10 years, Jack has helped actors, comedians, parents, seniors, newlyweds, and top business leaders get in shape, eat better, and stay motivated by his back-to-basics and fun approach to fitness and health. He's combined his experience, success stories, motivational techniques, and best practices into two companion books for women and men, available as ebooks and/or paperbacks on, and his website at

The Women's book, "Tight, Tone, and Trim: How to get rid of Cankles, Bat Wings, Thunder Thighs, and Muffin Tops" deals with those common pesky problem areas his female clients have hired him to tackle.

The men's book, "Cut, Cool, and Confident: How to get rid of Beer Belly, Chicken Legs, Wimp Arms, and Man Boobs" does the same for the guys.

Both books leave readers feeling motivated, empowered, and full of a can-do attitude to take charge of their health and get in shape. They are packaged in a retro 1950's/1960's theme when fitness was a novelty, and feature numerous cartoon illustrations from local artist Kaitlin Howell.

In addition to step-by-step exercise instructions and visuals for targeting fatty and/or underdeveloped areas on the body, readers will also get Jack's advice and ways of thinking on simple but effective food management plans, anticipating and managing daily stressors, staying motivated, and embracing an all around good healthy lifestyle.

"The books are kind of like Comedy Central meets Biggest Loser, and mix it with some vintage Happy Days" cheers author Jack Witt. "I'm definitely not your typical Type A personality trainer yelling in a client's face with a megaphone, I'm the guy next door, workout buddy, who pushes his clients with humor, positive energy and constructive dialogue; and these books ultimately embody that approach".

Both books can be ordered as e-books and/or paperback books directly at .

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About the Author

Jack Witt is a Lifestyle Fitness Coach, based out of Los Angeles since 2003. He holds a Master's Degree in Exercise Science and is certified by NASM as a Certified Personal Fitness Trainer and by TTI as a Certified Behavioral Analyst.

His business "Get Fit with Witt" has been recognized and awarded by several civic groups in the Los Angeles area such as the Rotary and California Junior Chamber, and Jack has served as volunteer President of the Universal City North Hollywood Jaycees and Chamber of Commerce, helping to build healthy community.

His public speaking and workshop engagements include Los Angeles Unified School District, Social Security Administration, Volunteer League of the San Fernando Valley, and Los Angeles Valley College.

Book Facts
Tight, Tone, and Trim: How to get rid of Cankles, Bat Wings, Thunder Thighs, and Muffin Tops. And much, much more!
Publisher: Jack Witt
Print: ISBN-13: 978-1494476663, ISBN-10: 1494476665, $14.95, 65 pages, 8.5" x 11" softcover
eBook: ASIN: B00GI1ZM3U, $7.95, 81 pages, 1181 KB
Publ. Date: December 2013

Cut, Cool, and Confident: How to get rid of Beer Belly, Chicken Legs, Wimp Arms, and Man Boobs. And much, much more!
Publisher: Jack Witt
Print: ISBN-13: 978-1494475574, ISBN-10: 149447557X, $14.95, 65 pages, 8.5" x 11" softcover
eBook: ASIN: B00GIN84BU, $7.95, 79 pages, 1227KB
Publ. Date: December 2013

The ebooks are designed for reading on Kindles; however, readers with other smart devices such as iPads, Tablets, Laptops and Smartphones can simply download a free Kindle App, which also works on PC's and Mac's.

The print books come in a soft glossy cover popular paperback size of 8.5 x 11.

For more information visit Jack's website at