Beer Glasses from Bormioli Rocco for Your Radler

A new beer trend is on the rise this summer: The Radler is new on our shelves. With less alcohol and a refreshing lemon taste, this new specialty is ideal for hot summer nights.

It is refreshing and thirst-quenching, the combination of beer and lemonade makes the Radler the perfect summer drink. Several breweries have now launched their own version of this drink that has been popular in Germany for many decades. Time to try one or make your own one. A great idea for the next barbecue!

There is a legend about the invention of the Radler which goes like this: In the 20s of the last century, a restaurateur in Monaco of Bavaria found himself surprised by 13 exhausted and thirsty cyclists and not enough beer. So he had to think about a way to quench their thirst without finishing his stock of beer immediately. He decided to mix the beer with lemonade so his beer would last longer. At the beginning the cyclists were very skeptical about this mix, but soon found that it was very refreshing and that the reduced alcohol content was better in the heat. The word „Radler" is German and means „cyclist": This is how the mix got its name.

Today you find already pre-mixed Radlers in the shops but you can also mix your own one at home. How much lemonade you add to your beer is a matter of taste, traditionally it is about ¾ of beer and ¼ of lemonade but if you like it sweeter or want to reduce the alcohol content just add more lemonade.

Best serve the mix in appropriate glasses such as the beer glasses from the line „Palladio" from Bormioli Rocco(, available in different sizes.